To wrap up my observation studies I have created a series of abstract maps that depict my collected data. I had to establish categories that I could make quantitative estimates from. I settled on; age and sex of shopper, attraction to window, speed of passer by, number of bags leaving the shop and amount of time people spent outside the shop.
I used a

I edited the key with my new categories, deleted unneeded information and used the stores logo to highlight the collected data.

The maps may not be instantly legible as a conclusion to an ethnography study but it is backed up with detailed observation which I shan't bore you with! Instead I have tried to sum up what I learnt, observed or concluded about each shop in one sentence.
Fenwick’s- people who shop in Fenwick’s watch the weather forecast in the morning and own waterproof coats.
hmv- young people browse, older people buy.
Ann Summers- the walk in and out says everything i.e. the women's shy skuttle or the confident strut and the man’s "I'm having sex at the moment" swagger.
Primark- a constant sea of brown bags and a smoking area for people with prams
Apple- the 'shop' of the future where you don’t shop!
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