Friday, 7 October 2011

Introduction to Linked Reseach for Prospective Stage 5 Students

The group meets every week during term to discuss and develop ideas around the relationship between architectural design and the emerging field of interaction design.

Each student chooses their own project to develop and must, in the first semester write a small project proposal with clear research questions and methods.

Projects are then developed throughout the summer and through the first Semester of Stage 6.

Outcomes can vary significantly from person to person but a good project should include:

1. Development work which demonstrated extensive reading around the topic chosen and develops a clear research question/questions.

2. An object or set of objects designed with the explicit aim of testing and gaining a greater understanding of an existing context and a proposal for an intervention into that context.

3. A research paper which pulls together the work completed with and evaluation of the intervention. This year we hope to publish in the international CHI conference.

4. A project diary consisting of collected blog posts which show how your ideas have developed.

Who should do the ArchaID Linked Research

If you want to explore emerging areas at the edges of your field.
If you want to learn new ways of thinking about design.
If you have an interest in digital technology (but not a fetish).
If you are self motivated and want to shape your own learning experience and, potentially, make and original contribution to the world.

Health Warning

Linked Research is not the easy option. In ArchaID we expect you to be self motivated, very well organised and while you are guided and supervised the ‘teaching’ of this module is very light touch. We expect you to actively contribute to the conversation and help the ideas of the whole group develop. Think carefully about taking this module!

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