After walking away from the high street I have grown up shopping on, I came over with an overwhelming feeling of pride for my government.
You should definitely keep cutting education budgets, we are clearly producing a clever bunch as it is. You should definitely hit ‘the arts’ the hardest, because people here who don’t have conservative academic potential are doing a great job of focusing their energy positively.
You keep closing those youth centres (8 of 13 closed last week in Haringey)! Youths here are very good at keeping themselves entertained.
Police cuts? YES PLEASE, we’ve got this all under control. Make those service men and women work harder and longer for less, its not like they get bricks and petrol bombs thrown at them for doing there job!...I could go on….
All in all I think you are doing a great job and if you doubt yourself and your ingenious decision making Mr Cameron, for even one second ………………… COME AND SEE MY HIGH STREET.
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