Sunday, 21 August 2011

Its Simple Stupid - Part Deux

Another slightly off topic post from me, but came across this article via Zach Kron's blog. Dealing with the design of user interfaces in a professional environment, it kind of reminded me of my own little rant about 4 months ago. Essentially a counter argument, it proposes that once a critical mass of people adapt to a crappy user interface, functionality is more important than intuitiveness.

I agree, but maintain that new users, certainly when dealing with new technologies, will overwhelmingly choose a shallow learning curve and immediate results, ahead of the potential of future benefits through greater functionality.

I have for instance recently had to amend a site plan for a project at work, then a fortnight later, remake the SketchUp model to match. Another job, same scope, same client, in BIM was half the work. But, only only because the job started on my desk and I've adapted to the softwares foibles.

Its something for me to think about again as I start designing potential systems and installations.

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